How To Install A Septic System In Calgary

Installing a septic system in Calgary requires careful planning and adherence to regulations. Get the essential knowledge and steps for a successful project.

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How To Install A Septic System In Calgary

How To Install A Septic System In Calgary

Installing a septic system is a critical task that requires careful planning and adherence to local regulations, especially in a city like Calgary with its specific zoning and environmental guidelines. This article provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help Calgary residents navigate the complexities of installing a septic system, from understanding local regulations to post-installation considerations. Whether you're renovating a property, like the former cannabis production facility at 5430 30th Street SE, or starting from scratch on a new lot, this guide aims to ensure your septic system installation is successful and compliant with all necessary standards.

Key Takeaways

  • Familiarize yourself with Calgary's zoning and environmental guidelines to ensure your septic system meets local standards.
  • Obtain all necessary permits and schedule inspections before proceeding with the installation to avoid legal complications.
  • Assess soil conditions thoroughly to determine the appropriate size and type of septic system for your property.
  • Ensure you have all the right materials, equipment, and safety gear before beginning the excavation and installation process.
  • Understand the importance of regular maintenance and know how to troubleshoot common issues to keep your septic system functioning properly.

Understanding Local Regulations and Preparing for Installation

Understanding Local Regulations and Preparing for Installation

Navigating Calgary's Zoning and Environmental Guidelines

When planning to install a septic system in Calgary, it's crucial to understand and adhere to the local zoning and environmental guidelines. The Land Use Bylaw is a key document that outlines the regulations you must follow, including specific provisions for septic systems. Familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure your project complies with municipal standards and to avoid potential legal issues.

Before you begin, it's important to identify any Privately-owned Facilities on your property, such as septic tanks and tile beds, as well as water wells with extensive underground piping. Utility Safety Partners' publication, titled 'The Damage Prevention Process in Alberta', provides valuable insights into managing these facilities during your installation process.

Here's a quick checklist to guide you through the initial steps:

  • Review the Land Use Bylaw for detailed zoning requirements.
  • Check for proximity to essential infrastructure like Metis Trail and major roads.
  • Confirm that your property's zoning allows for the installation of a septic system.
  • Consult with local authorities to clarify any uncertainties regarding your project.

Securing Necessary Permits and Inspections

Before breaking ground on your septic system, it's crucial to secure the necessary permits and schedule inspections to ensure compliance with local regulations. Obtaining the right permits is not just a legal formality; it's a safeguard for your property and the environment.

To start, you'll need to consult the 'Private sewage systems installer certification list' provided by the Open Government of Alberta. This list will guide you to certified installers who are authorized to obtain permits related to the installation of private sewage systems in the province.

Remember, the certification of your installer is as important as the quality of your septic system. Choosing a certified professional ensures that your installation adheres to the highest standards.

Next, you'll need to submit your site plan and system design to the local health department for review. This step may involve soil testing and a review of your property's layout to confirm that the proposed system will function properly and not harm the environment. After approval, keep in mind that inspections will be required at various stages of the installation process to verify that the work meets all necessary standards.

Choosing the Right Location on Your Property

Selecting the ideal location for your septic system is crucial for its efficiency and longevity. Ensure the chosen site meets all zoning and environmental regulations to avoid costly adjustments later on. Consider the topography of your land; the system should be placed on a well-drained area with suitable soil conditions, away from water sources to prevent contamination.

Factors to consider when choosing a location include:

  • Proximity to your home and property boundaries
  • Accessibility for maintenance and potential future repairs
  • The slope of the land and natural drainage patterns
  • Local regulations regarding distance from water bodies and wells
It's essential to think about the future development potential of your property. A well-planned septic system location can accommodate growth and changes without the need for relocation or significant modifications.

Remember to consult with professionals who can provide insights into the best practices for septic system placement within the Calgary area. Their expertise can save you time and resources, ensuring that your system is installed in the most optimal location.

Designing Your Septic System

Designing Your Septic System

Assessing Soil Conditions and System Sizing

Before installing a septic system, it's crucial to assess the soil conditions on your property. The soil's percolation rate, texture, and composition are key factors that determine the size and type of system you'll need. A percolation test, often referred to as a perc test, measures how quickly water drains through the soil. This test will guide you in determining the appropriate size of the drain field.

  • Conduct a perc test to evaluate drainage rates.
  • Analyze soil texture and structure to ensure suitability.
  • Consider the water table depth and seasonal saturation levels.
Proper soil assessment prevents system failures and ensures long-term functionality. Sizing your septic system correctly is essential to accommodate the daily wastewater flow and prevent overloading.

The results of your soil assessment will influence the design of your septic system. For instance, clay-heavy soils may require a larger drain field or alternative systems like a mound system. Consulting with a local expert can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of system sizing.

Selecting the Type of Septic System

Choosing the right type of septic system is crucial for the long-term efficiency and sustainability of your waste management. The selection should be based on local environmental conditions, household size, and land characteristics.

There are several types of septic systems available, each with its own advantages and suitability for different situations:

  • Conventional Systems: Widely used and suitable for areas with good soil depth and permeability.
  • Chamber Systems: Ideal for areas with high water tables or limited space.
  • Drip Distribution Systems: Effective in areas with shallow soils and require minimal disruption of the landscape.
  • Aerobic Treatment Systems: Best for environmentally sensitive areas as they provide additional treatment.

It's important to consult with a professional to determine the most appropriate system for your property. A well-chosen septic system not only complies with regulations but also minimizes the risk of malfunctions and environmental impact.

Proper installation and regular maintenance are key to ensuring that your septic system functions effectively and lasts for many years.

Creating a Site Plan and System Layout

Creating a comprehensive site plan and system layout is crucial for the successful installation of a septic system. Proper planning ensures long-term cost savings by minimizing future repair needs and allowing for a modular design that can adapt to changes. When designing your site plan, consider the following:

  • The topography of your land and its natural slope
  • The location of existing structures and utilities
  • Access routes for maintenance and emergency services
  • Stormwater management to prevent system flooding
It's essential to integrate the septic system seamlessly with the property's overall landscape and usage to avoid future complications.

Remember to account for all local regulations and environmental guidelines that may impact the placement and design of your septic system. A well-thought-out site plan and system layout will pave the way for a smooth installation process and reliable operation.

Gathering Materials and Equipment

Gathering Materials and Equipment

Sourcing Quality Materials and Tanks

When installing a septic system, the quality of materials and tanks is paramount to ensure longevity and proper function. Selecting the right tank size and material is crucial, as it must meet the specific needs of your property and comply with Calgary's regulations. Tanks typically come in various materials such as concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene, each with its own advantages.

It's essential to source materials from reputable suppliers who provide warranties and support. Consider the following list when choosing your materials:

  • Durability and resistance to corrosion
  • Compliance with safety and environmental standards
  • Capacity to meet household demand
  • Warranty and supplier support
Remember, investing in quality materials upfront can save you from costly repairs and replacements in the future.

Ensure that all components, including pumps, pipes, and filters, are compatible with your chosen system. for instance, offers comprehensive services for water systems, which could be a valuable resource during your installation process.

Renting or Purchasing the Necessary Equipment

Before the physical work begins, securing the right equipment is crucial for a successful septic system installation. Renting equipment may be more cost-effective for one-time use, but purchasing could be a wise investment for ongoing maintenance or future projects. Consider the following list when acquiring your equipment:

  • Excavator or backhoe for digging
  • Laser level or transit for precise measurements
  • Compactor for preparing the base
  • Pipe layer or trencher for drain field pipes
  • Safety gear including hard hats, gloves, and boots
Ensure that all equipment is in good working condition and that you're familiar with its operation to prevent delays and accidents during installation.

It's also important to factor in the costs of renting or purchasing equipment into your overall budget. Reach out to local suppliers early to check availability and secure the necessary machinery. Remember, delays in equipment procurement can set back your entire project timeline.

Ensuring Safety Gear and Precautions

When installing a septic system, ensuring the safety of all workers is paramount. Compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and OHS Code is not just a legal requirement; it's a moral imperative to prevent workplace injuries. For instance, Section 2(1)(a)(i) of the OHS Act emphasizes the need to ensure the health and safety of workers, which includes providing appropriate safety gear and enforcing its use.

Safety gear must be selected based on the specific risks associated with septic system installation. This includes fall protection, as mandated by Section 139(1)(a) of the OHS Code, when there's a risk of falling from a height of 3 metres or more.

Adequate training is also crucial. Workers must be trained in the safe operation of equipment, as per Section 15(1) of the OHS Regulation, and only those competent should perform tasks that could endanger them or others. Furthermore, a qualified first aider must be present on the work site, as required by Section 181(1) of the OHS Code.

Below is a list of essential safety gear that should be on every installer's checklist:

The Installation Process

The Installation Process

Excavating the Site and Preparing the Base

Before the septic tank can be installed, the site must be carefully excavated to create a stable base. Proper excavation is crucial to ensure the longevity and functionality of the septic system. The excavation process involves removing the topsoil to reach the subsoil, which provides a more solid foundation for the tank.

  • Determine the exact location for the tank and drain field based on the site plan.
  • Excavate to the required depth, typically 4 to 6 feet below ground level.
  • Level and compact the base soil to prevent shifting or settling.
It's essential to follow the precise measurements and specifications outlined in the site plan to avoid future complications.

Once the base is prepared, a layer of gravel or sand should be laid down to assist with drainage and to cushion the tank. This step is followed by the placement of the septic tank onto the prepared base, ensuring it is level and secure.

Installing the Tank and Drain Field

Once the site is excavated and the base is prepared, the next critical step is to install the septic tank and drain field. The tank should be placed in the designated area, ensuring it is level and at the correct depth as per the site plan. It's essential to connect the tank to the home's plumbing system with a secure and watertight seal.

The drain field, also known as the leach field, is where the effluent from the septic tank is naturally treated by the soil. It's crucial to install the drain field with precision, as improper installation can lead to system failure and environmental contamination.

Following the tank installation, the drain field pipes must be laid out in trenches filled with gravel or a similar aggregate. This allows for proper filtration and prevents clogging. The trenches should be covered with a geotextile fabric before backfilling to protect the system from silt and debris. Regular inspections and maintenance are key to ensuring the longevity and proper functioning of your septic system.

Connecting to the Plumbing System

Once the septic tank and drain field are in place, the final step is connecting to the plumbing system of your home. This involves laying out the inlet and outlet pipes that will carry wastewater to the septic tank and subsequently distribute the treated water into the drain field. It's crucial to ensure that these connections are secure and leak-proof to maintain the system's efficiency and prevent contamination.

  • Ensure all connections are tight and sealed properly.
  • Use the appropriate PVC or ABS pipes as per local regulations.
  • Test the system for leaks by running water through the pipes before covering the trenches.
Proper installation of the plumbing connections is essential for the long-term success of your septic system. A poorly connected system can lead to costly repairs and environmental hazards.

Remember to consult with a professional if you are unsure about any step of the process. The Koomen Contracting in Calgary can provide expert advice and services to maintain your septic system effectively.

Post-Installation Considerations

Post-Installation Considerations

Final Inspections and Approvals

Once the septic system installation is complete, the final step before it can be put into use is obtaining the necessary inspections and approvals. This ensures that the system meets all local health and safety standards.

  • Schedule an inspection with the City of Calgary's Development & Building Approvals division.
  • Ensure that all installation details conform to the approved site plan.
  • Be prepared to make any adjustments as recommended by the inspector.
It is crucial to adhere to the feedback provided during the inspection to avoid future complications and ensure the longevity of your septic system.

After passing the inspection, you will receive an approval document, which is a testament to the system's compliance with Calgary's regulations. Keep this document safely, as it may be required for future reference or property transactions.

Understanding Maintenance and Upkeep

Maintaining your septic system is crucial for its longevity and efficiency. Regular inspections and pumping are essential to prevent system failures and costly repairs. It's recommended to have your septic system inspected at least once every three years and pumped every three to five years, depending on usage.

  • Inspection: Check for leaks and examine the scum and sludge layers in your tank.
  • Pumping: Necessary when the bottom of the scum layer is within 6 inches of the bottom of the outlet tee or the top of the sludge layer is within 12 inches of it.
  • Effluent Filter: Clean or replace this filter annually to prevent clogging.
  • Drain Field: Keep it clear of roots and do not drive over it to avoid compacting the soil.
Proper maintenance also includes conserving water to reduce the amount of wastewater that must be treated and disposed of. Fix leaks promptly, use water-saving fixtures, and spread out laundry and dishwasher loads.

Remember, a well-maintained septic system protects your investment, the environment, and public health. Keep records of all maintenance activities for future reference and to demonstrate compliance with local regulations.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

After the installation of your septic system, you may encounter some common issues that require attention. Identifying and addressing these problems early can prevent more significant complications down the line. Here are some typical concerns and troubleshooting tips:

  • Slow Draining or Backups: This could indicate a blockage or an issue with the drain field. Regular maintenance and avoiding flushing non-biodegradable items can help prevent this.
  • Unpleasant Odors: Bad smells could be a sign of a tank that needs pumping or a leak in the system. Ensure the tank is sealed properly and serviced periodically.
  • High Nitrate Levels in Well Water: This may suggest that your septic system is not functioning correctly. Have your water tested and the system inspected by a professional.
Remember, routine inspections and maintenance are crucial to the longevity and efficiency of your septic system. Don't wait for problems to escalate before taking action.

If you're unsure about how to handle a specific issue, consult with a professional. Companies like  offer expert advice and services for plumbing and septic system concerns.


Installing a septic system in Calgary requires careful planning, adherence to local regulations, and meticulous execution. Throughout this guide, we've walked you through the essential steps, from understanding the unique considerations of properties in Calgary, such as those at 5430 30th Street SE with advanced infrastructure, to the final inspections and maintenance tips. Whether you're working on a newly renovated facility or a residential property, the importance of a reliable septic system cannot be overstated. By following this step-by-step guide, you'll ensure your septic system is installed correctly, providing long-term functionality and compliance with Calgary's environmental standards. Remember to consult with professionals and utilize available resources to make informed decisions throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the zoning and environmental guidelines for installing a septic system in Calgary?

In Calgary, zoning and environmental guidelines for septic systems are governed by municipal bylaws and provincial regulations. You must ensure that your septic system design complies with the Alberta Private Sewage Systems Standard of Practice 2015 and is suitable for the specific environmental conditions of your property. It's important to consult with local authorities for detailed requirements.

How do I secure the necessary permits for a septic system installation in Calgary?

To secure permits, you will need to submit your septic system design and site plan to the City of Calgary for review. This may include a development permit and a building permit. Additionally, inspections might be required during and after installation to ensure compliance with regulations.

How do I choose the right location for my septic system on my property?

The location of your septic system should be based on soil conditions, proximity to water sources, property lines, and accessibility for maintenance. It's advisable to work with a qualified engineer or septic system designer to identify the most suitable location.

What factors should I consider when designing my septic system?

When designing your septic system, consider soil type and percolation rate, the size of your property, the number of bedrooms in your home, and local regulations. These factors will determine the size and type of system that is appropriate for your needs.

What safety gear and precautions are necessary during the installation of a septic system?

Safety gear such as hard hats, steel-toed boots, gloves, and eye protection should be worn during installation. It's also important to follow Occupational Health and Safety regulations, including trench safety practices to prevent collapses.

What should I do if I encounter issues with my newly installed septic system in Calgary?

If you encounter issues, first consult the documentation provided by your installer for troubleshooting tips. If the problem persists, contact a professional septic service provider for assistance. Regular maintenance and inspections can help prevent many common issues.

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